Britania Redux
Por Juan Ramón Jiménez de León
Economista, Académico y Periodista
La libra esterlina es la moneda del Reino Unido así como de las Dependencias de la Corona y Territorios Ultramarinos británicos, conocidos como la Comunidad de Naciones Britanicas. Su símbolo monetario es £ y proviene del latín libra, que se refería a la unidad de masa. Como unidad monetaria, el término libra se origina del valor del peso de una libra de plata de gran pureza conocida como plata esterlina. La esterlina (con una unidad básica que era el penique Tealby, en vez de la libra) fue introducida como la divisa inglesa por el Rey Enrique II en 1158, aunque el nombre de esterlina no fue usado hasta después. La palabra esterlina es del viejo francés sterling transformado a stiere en el viejo inglés (fuerte, firme, inamovible).Un libra se divide en cien peniques. La esterlina es una antigua moneda inglesa de plata esterlina, una aleación de un 92,5% de plata y un 7,5% de cobre y/u otros metales, y con una masa de 1,555 gramos, o 1/240 de una libra troy. La libra esterlina, establecida en 1560-1561 por Isabel I y sus consejeros, principalmente Sir Thomas Gresham, que trajo orden al caos financiero de la Inglaterra Tudor que había sido ocasionado por el "Gran Degradamiento" de la moneda, que a cambio provocó una inflación debilitadora durante los años de 1543 a 1551, de ahí la teoría monetaria llamada Ley de Gresham, de que la moneda mala desplaza a la buena. Para 1551, de acuerdo con Fernand Braudel, el contenido plateado de un penique se había reducido a un tercio del total. Las monedas se habían convertido en meras divisas fiduciarias (como lo son las monedas modernas), y la tasa de cambio en Amberes donde la ropa inglesa era comercializada en Europa, se había deteriorado. Toda moneda en circulación fue sacada de ella para reacuñarse con el mayor estándar, y pagada con descuento. El Centro de la Universidad Estatal de Nueva York que lleva su nombre es el asiento del prestigiado economista Immanuel Wallerstein, dedicado al estudio de los procesos de globalización.
El símbolo de la divisa es el símbolo de la libra, originalmente ₤ con dos barras cruzadas, más tarde fue más común £ con una sola barra. El símbolo se deriva de la letra "L", de la abreviación LSD – librae, solidi, denarii – usada para las libras, chelines y peniques del sistema monetario duodecimal original. LSD es también una droga alucinógena hecha famosa por los Beatles en la canción Lucy in the sky of diamonds, y mi muy amigo de la Maestría el ingles Tomas Kalouchek, fue casi envenenado por los peruanos cuando sospechaban que el exmilitar de Vietnam los había delatado por ser corredores de drogas en la Universidad Católica de Santa Maria de San Antonio, Texas. Libra era la unidad romana básica de peso, que se derivaba del latín de "balanza". El código ISO 4217 es GBP (en inglés Great Britain pound, Libra de Gran Bretaña).
Con la vulgarización de las teorías monetarias alrededor de una posible nueva moneda de Estados Unidos, el Amero, y el anchluss monetario sobre el peso mexicano (MXN), el mas débil de Norteamérica, se pasa inadvertido que es muy difícil, aunque no imposible, que esa nueva moneda absorba al dólar canadiense (CAD), porque este tiene una gran parte de sus reservas en libras esterlinas, que Canadá es parte de la British Commonwealth o sea la Comunidad de Naciones Británicas, que incluyen a el Reino Unido (Gales, Escocia e Inglaterra), Irlanda del Norte, Canadá, Australia, Hong Kong (hay quienes ven al yuan chino como independiente, cuando que hay una fuerte dependencia del dólar de Hong Kong-HKD- que es una fortaleza monetaria británica), Nueva Zelanda, Kenia (de donde se ha especulado que siendo el padre de Barack Obama, de nacionalidad británica por su ascendencia keniana, automáticamente Barack tendría la doble ciudadanía y por lo tanto los Estados Unidos podrían estar en peligro de ser de nuevo colonizados por la Gran Bretaña), las Islas Caimán, en donde hay 4,000 bancos asentados en esta diminuta pero poderosa isla caribeña, resultado de la desregulación bancaria de Ronald Reagan que en 1986 permitió a los bancos asentados en la isla de Manhattan que hicieran operaciones off-shore, donde inicia realmente la crisis financiera actual, ya que se consolidan los apenas incipientes hedge funds británicos como arma masiva de destrucción del sistema financiero y ahora monetario de los Estados Unidos, otras importantes colonias monetarias británicas son la India y Pakistán, por eso cuando se habla en términos geopolíticos del BRIC (Brasil, Rusia, India y China) , no se observa que dos de ellos son prácticamente peones ingleses.
Desde el siglo XIX, Inglaterra trató y lo logró desmonetizar la libra esterlina de la plata, que era la moneda fuerte, la española y por ende al independizarnos el peso mexicano, los británicos en el siglo XVIII habían acumulado suficiente oro y plata de sus saqueos a los navíos españoles y de sus propias colonias, por ello llegaron a la conclusión, el brillante economista David Ricardo, en conformar un Patrón Monetario basado en el oro, para reemplazar el bimetalismo español, ellos lo lograron después de vencer a Napoleón, sin embargo siguieron especulando en el bimetalismo, en la primera mitad del siglo XIX, pues mientras Inglaterra se deshacía de la plata, aceptaba negociar la convertibilidad de su moneda a razón de 15.5 onzas troy de plata por una de oro, y los franceses lo hacían a razón de 15 onzas troy de plata por una de oro, de esa forma había una especulación de 0.5 onzas troy en ambos sentidos de la convertibilidad entre franco francés y libra esterlina, de esta forma entraba mas oro a Inglaterra y se fortalecía la teoría de David Ricardo que a los 33 años de edad ya era uno de los hombres mas ricos de esa nación, debido obviamente a la especulación con el oro y la plata, España estaba como siempre y hasta la fecha, dormida, solo saqueando las riquezas de América y perdiéndolas en juegos palaciegos y en juegos al azahar, el naciente banco central de Inglaterra, el Bank of England, fundado en 1694, acumulaba riquezas mediante piratas de alta mar, exportaciones de mercancías, la famosa teoría de Comercio Exterior de David Ricardo, que no era otra cosa que el colonialismo, la especialización, si tu produces telas y yo vinos, hagamos la especialización, solo que el mayor valor agregado era de Inglaterra, la libra se trasladó extraoficialmente de la plata al patrón oro gracias a una sobrevaluación del oro en Inglaterra que atrajo oro del extranjero y ocasionó una importación constante de la moneda de plata, a pesar de una reevaluación del oro en 1717 por Isaac Newton, maestro de la Real Casa de la Moneda. El patrón oro de de facto continuó hasta su adopción oficial después del fin de las Guerras Napoleónicas, en 1816. Éste duró hasta que el Reino Unido, en acuerdo con muchos otros países, abandonó el patrón después de la Primera Guerra Mundial en 1919
Durante este periodo, una libra podía ser intercambiada por $4,886 dólares estadounidenses, sin embargo, aunque el dólar estaba basado en el bimetalismo al nacer como nación en 1776, de facto adoptó el modelo británico en 1834 y de jure en 1900, por ejemplo, en Agosto 25, 2008, se estaba negociando la onza troy de plata a $13.45 USD y el oro a $829USD, existiendo una relación de 61.6/1, significando cuatro veces lo existente entre 1834 y 1914 de 15.5/1., la tasa de cambio en este 2008 y en esa fecha era de $1.853 USD por libra esterlina, esto significa que la libra estaba perdiendo un tercio de su valor respecto a 1834 y el dólar perdía su valor frente al oro de 2,360%, al pasar de $20.67 a $829 USD por onza troy, por ello, se especula de que el dólar tiene que mutar a otra moneda o a un nuevo dólar. Pero siguiendo con la teoría de dominación británica, hay que analizar desde su origen la cuestión cuantitativa del dinero, Quantity Theory of Money (QTM), como en sus principios lo hicieron John Locke (1632-1704) y David Hume (1711-76). Locke basaba su teoría en el derecho natural a la propiedad privada basada en la explotación normal de la mano de obra, en 1661, escribía que al doblar la cantidad de oro en reservas (M), también se impulsaban al doble los precios (P) y se devaluaba a la mitad el valor de la moneda, por su parte Hume, en 1671escribia que había dos ciclos monetarios, uno de corto plazo y otro de largo plazo, en donde según este economista, las cosas se iban a componer, pues los ajustes los hacia el mercado de forma natural, solo que Keynes después de la Gran Depresión de 1929 escribía que “A largo plazo estamos muertos”. Es importante hacer notar, que Inglaterra, en las guerras napoleónicas, dejo inconvertible la libra en oro, lo que Estados Unidos copiaría en 1973, al tener los efectos inflacionarios de la Guerra de Vietnam, la inconvertibilidad del dólar en oro. Inglaterra temiendo los efectos perversos de la inflación, debido a la Guerra con Napoleón, estableció Bank Charter Act of 1844, la Ley Bancaria que le daba poderes absolutos de manejar la emisión de moneda en base al oro, fraccionado el dinero en circulación y desmonetizando totalmente la libra de la plata, Estados Unidos, lo hizo en 1873, con Fourth Coinage Act, lo que trajo consigo que los seguidores de la plata, entre los que se encontraban los seguidores de Lincoln, llamados silveritas le llamaran “el crimen del 73”, pues el efecto fue una deflación brutal que se asemeja mucho a lo que está sucediendo a finales del 2008 con la crisis financiera. Y en base a las teorías monetaristas influenciadas por el pensamiento austriaco como el de Schroder que ya planteaba el equilibrio presupuestal y el uso del banco central para controlar la emisión de la moneda, desencadenaron la primera gran quiebra bursátil del Imperio Austro-húngaro, en 1875 quebraba la famosa Bolsa de Viena, con esta quiebra que llevo inmediatamente a las segundas guerras napoleónicas que llevaron una hiperinflación debido a la emisión de moneda, que de 90 millones de gilders pasaron a 572 millones, Austria con su Pléyada de economistas ahora renacidos con el neoliberalismo, el libro de máxima lectura en esos decadentes imperios era el de la Teoría Estatal del Dinero de Georg Friedrich Knapp (1842-1926), que iniciaba la era de que la moneda era la parte esencial para controlar la inflación, de acuerdo al abuelo del monetarismo, Ludwing Von Mises, quien estudió y se doctoró en la Universidad de Viena, donde fue discípulo directo de Böhm-Bawerk y seguidor de Carl Menger, convirtiéndose en uno de los más destacados representantes de la Escuela Austriaca. De 1920 a 1934 Von Mises mantiene un seminario de economía en la Cámara de Comercio de Viena al que asisten no solo alumnos de su entorno centroeuropeo, Friedrich Hayeck, Fritz Machlup, Gottfried von Haberler, Paul Rosenstein-Rodan y Oskar Morgenstern, sino que también atrae discípulos procedentes de países más alejados como Ragnar Nurkse y Lionel Robbins. En 1934 acepta un puesto como profesor del Institut Universitaire des Hautes Études Internationales en Ginebra, Suiza, donde permanece hasta 1940, que emigra a los Estados Unidos. Da clases en la New York University, Graduate School of Business Administration donde reconstruye su seminario atrayendo nuevos discípulos como Murray N. Rothbard e Israel M. Kirzner.
También visita esporádicamente la Escuela Nacional de Economía de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México y otros países latinoamericanos. Los foxianos impulsan el Instituto Von Mises en Guanajuato, siendo el Dr Eduardo Sojo, su máxima figura representativa en México, asesor económico de Fox y Secretario de Economía con Calderón, con esto se demuestra que al panismo y sus seguidores económicos son ayatolas del pensamiento austriaco, no dejan lugar a duda de su inclinación por los Habsburgo, pero regresando a Inglaterra, para 1880, entraba en una etapa proteccionista que duró hasta el inicio de la primera guerra mundial, lo que le dio un superávit comercial de 750 millones de libras anuales, lo que la hacia la economía mas poderosa del mundo, antes de la Primera Guerra Mundial, pues controlaba el 40% de la inversión mundial, estimada en 30,000 millones de libras; los franceses ocupaban el segundo lugar con 8,700 millones de francos y los alemanes crecían a 6,000 millones de marcos el 80% del Comercio Exterior era controlado por los ingleses, las inversiones en los Estados Unidos eran calculadas en 850 millones de libras, lo que lo hacia tomar el 40% del presupuesto federal estadounidense , pero el reto alemán y el enorme gasto militar en esa primera guerra mundial la dejaron quebrada, en los meses finales de la Gran Guerra , en 1918 , la Tesorería de Inglaterra, nombró la Comisión Cunliffe, encabezado por Lord Cunliffe, exGobernador del Bank of England y a miembros destacados de la Escuela Neoclásica de Pensamiento Económico de Cambridge como Arthur Cecil Pigou (1877-1959), la estrella ascendente del Profesor Alfred Marshall (1824-1924), llamado Padre de la Microeconomía , ellos proponían una nueva paridad del oro en base a 3 libras 17 chelines y 10.5 peniques por onza troy, o sea de 4.86 Libras, los ingleses deseaban el regreso del patrón oro mediante sus arreglos central banquistas como fue Strong, presidente de la New York Fed (NYFRB) siendo que él venia de la Casa de JP Morgan, y sus relaciones personales con Montagu Norman, gobernador del Bank of England de1920-44, el Banque de France, el Reichsbank, y los bancos centrales de Austria, Holanda, Italia, Bélgica, esto en parte era debido a la ley de creación de la fed, The Federal Reserve Act of 1913, hecha por Woodrow Wilson, enemigo jurado del carrancismo que se defendía con el bimetalismo, oro-plata, con el que México se defendió hasta 1944 en que Manuel Ávila Camacho cede a los Estados Unidos, por eso sus descendientes, ligados a AMLO, son siempre vistos como peones de los británicos, Manuel Camacho Solís y Yedkcol Polensky (a) Citlali Ibáñez Camacho y hasta Emmanuel, hijo forzado de Maximino, el hermano matón de Manuel que obligó a Conchita Martinez, la madre del popular cantante mexicano a vivir con él; hablando mas académicamente, Keynes publicaba un libro bastante duro hacia esa escuela neoclasica, Las Consecuencias de la Guerra, donde criticaba la teoría ofertista de Pigou, y la marginalista de Marshall, que habían aumentado el desempleo de 1.4% a 16.7%, y la inflación creció 60% de 1914 a 1925, para abril de1925 Winston Churchill dijo estas proféticas palabras "If we had not taken this action [restoring the gold standard] the whole of the rest of the British Empire would have taken it without us, and it would have come to a gold standard, not on the basis of the pound sterling, but a gold standard of the dollar."[Si no restauramos el Patrón Oro, el Imperio Británico se desmoronará y la libra esterlina se abandonará para ser tomada su posición por el dólar], y conste que esas teorías fueron vueltas a tomar en cuenta con el Reaganismo en 1980, causante directo de esta nueva crisis financiera; en un intento de recobrar la estabilidad, una variación del patrón oro fue reintroducida en 1925, bajo la cual la divisa fue fijada al precio del oro a los niveles previos a la guerra, aunque la gente sólo podía intercambiar su dinero por oro en lingotes, en lugar de monedas.
El movimiento impulsó a muchos otros gobiernos a devaluar sus monedas contra el dólar también, entre ellos los paises dominados por la libra esterlina como Australia, Dinamarca, Irlanda, Egipto, India, Israel, Nueva Zelanda, Noruega y Sudáfrica. A mediados de la década de 1960, la libra se vio bajo una renovada presión desde que la tasa de cambio contra el dólar era considerada muy alta. En el verano de 1966, con el valor de la libra cayendo en los mercados monetarios, los controles de cambio fueron apretados por el gobierno del Gobierno Laborista de Wilson. Entre las medidas, a los turistas les fue prohibido sacar más de 50 libras del país, hasta que las restricciones fueron levantadas en 1970. La libra fue eventualmente devaluada en un 14.3% a $2.41 dólares el 18 de noviembre de 1967.
Una crisis posterior siguió en 1976, cuando aparentemente el Fondo Monetario Internacional (FMI) pensó que la libra debería establecerse a $1.50 dólares, y como resultado la libra cayó a $1.57, y el gobierno decidió que tenía que solicitar un préstamo de £2.3 billones al FMI. A principios de la década de 1980 la libra se movió arriba del nivel de los $2 al elevarse las tasas de interés en respuesta a la política monetarista y una alta tasa de cambio fue ampliamente culpada por la profunda recesión de 1981. En su punto más bajo, la libra se colocó a sólo $1.05 dólares en febrero de 1985, antes de regresar al nivel de los 2 dólares a principios de la década de 1990. De esta forma se terminó con la hegemonía de la libra esterlina que se convirtió en derivada del dólar, y los países de la Commonwealth adoptarían el Patrón Libra esterlina pero basados en dólares y no en oro, Europa, hasta 1999 se quitó la tutela de la libra esterlina al nacer el poderos Euro, basado en la relación franco francés y marco alemán. Las preocupaciones de la inflación en el Reino Unido llevaron al Banco de Inglaterra a aumentar las tasas de interés al doble inesperadamente a fines de 2006 y principios de 2007, causando que la libra se elevara a su tasa más alta contra el euro desde enero de 2003.
miércoles, 12 de noviembre de 2008
Who are the Architects of Economic Collapse?
Will an Obama Administration Reverse the Tide?
by Michel Chossudovsky
Global Research, November 9, 2008
Most Serious Economic Crisis in Modern HistoryThe October 2008 financial meltdown is not the result of a cyclical economic phenomenon. It is the deliberate result of US government policy instrumented through the Treasury and the US Federal Reserve Board.
This is the most serious economic crisis in World history.
The "bailout" proposed by the US Treasury does not constitute a "solution" to the crisis. In fact quite the opposite: it is the cause of further collapse. It triggers an unprecedented concentration of wealth, which in turn contributes to widening economic and social inequalities both within and between nations.
The levels of indebtedness have skyrocketed. Industrial corporations are driven into bankruptcy, taken over by the global financial institutions. Credit, namely the supply of loanable funds, which constitutes the lifeline of production and investment, is controlled by a handful of financial conglomerates.
With the "bailout", the public debt has spiraled. America is the most indebted country on earth. Prior to the "bailout", the US public debt was of the order of 10 trillion dollars. This US dollar denominated debt is composed of outstanding treasury bills and government bonds held by individuals, foreign governments, corporations and financial institutions.
"The Bailout": The US Administration is Financing its Own IndebtednessIronically, the Wall Street banks --which are the recipients of the bailout money-- are also the brokers and underwriters of the US public debt. Although the banks hold only a portion of the public debt, they transact and trade in US dollar denominated public debt instruments Worldwide.
In a bitter twist, the banks are the recipients of a 700+ billion dollar handout and at the same time they act as creditors of the US government. We are dealing with an absurd circular relationship: To finance the bailout, Washington must borrow from the banks, which are the recipients of the bailout.
The US administration is financing its own indebtedness. Federal, State and municipal governments are increasingly in a straightjacket, under the tight control of the global financial conglomerates. Increasingly, the creditors call the shots on government reform.
The bailout is conducive to the consolidation and centralization of banking power, which in turn backlashes on real economic activity, leading to a string of bankruptcies and mass unemployment.
Will an Obama Administration Reverse the Tide?
The financial crisis is the outcome of a deregulated financial architecture.
Obama has stated unequivocally his resolve to address the policy failures of the Bush administration and "democratize" the US financial system. President-Elect Barack Obama says that he is committed to reversing the tide:
"Let us remember that if this financial crisis taught us anything, it’s that we cannot have a thriving Wall Street while Main Street suffers. In this country, we rise or fall as one nation, as one people." (President-elect Barack Obama, November 4, 2008, emphasis added)
The Democrats casually blame the Bush administration for the October financial meltdown.
Obama says that he will be introducing an entirely different policy agenda which responds to the interests of Main Street:
"Tomorrow, you can turn the page on policies that put the greed and irresponsibility of Wall Street before the hard work and sacrifice of men and women all across Main Street. Tomorrow you can choose policies that invest in our middle class and create new jobs and grow this economy so that everybody has a chance to succeed, from the CEO to the secretary and the janitor, from the factory owner to the men and women who work on the factory floor.( Barack Obama, election campaign, November 3, 2008, emphasis added)
Is Obama committed to "taming Wall Street" and "disarming financial markets"?
Ironically, it was under the Clinton administration that these policies of "greed and irresponsibility" were adopted.
The 1999 Financial Services Modernization Act (FSMA) was conducive to the the repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act of 1933. A pillar of President Roosevelt’s "New Deal", the Glass-Steagall Act was put in place in response to the climate of corruption, financial manipulation and "insider trading" which resulted in more than 5,000 bank failures in the years following the 1929 Wall Street crash.
Bill Clinton signs into law the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Financial Services Modernization Act, November 12, 1999Under the 1999 Financial Services Modernization Act, effective control over the entire US financial services industry (including insurance companies, pension funds, securities companies, etc.) had been transferred to a handful of financial conglomerates and their associated hedge funds.
The Engineers of Financial Disaster
Who are the architects of this debacle?
In a bitter irony, the engineers of financial disaster are now being considered by President-Elect Barack Obama's Transition Team for the position Treasury Secretary:
Lawrence Summers played a key role in lobbying Congress for the repeal of the Glass Steagall Act. His timely appointment by President Clinton in 1999 as Treasury Secretary spearheaded the adoption of the Financial Services Modernization Act in November 1999. Upon completing his mandate at the helm of the US Treasury, he became president of Harvard University (2001- 2006).
Paul Volker was chairman of the Federal Reserve Board in the l980s during the Reagan era. He played a central role in implementing the first stage of financial deregulation, which was conducive to mass bankruptcies, mergers and acquisitions, leading up to the 1987 financial crisis.
Timothy Geithner is CEO of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, which is the most powerful private financial institution in America. He was also a former Clinton administration Treasury official. He has worked for Kissinger Associates and has also held a senior position at the IMF. The FRBNY plays a behind the scenes role in shaping financial policy. Geithner acts on behalf of powerful financiers, who are behind the FRBNY. He is also a member of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR)
Jon Corzine is currently governor of New Jersey, former CEO of Goldman Sachs.
Larry Summers (left) and Timothy GeithnerAt the time of writing, Obama's favorite is Larry Summers, front-runner for the position of Treasury Secretary.
Harvard University Economics Professor Lawrence Summers served as Chief Economist for the World Bank (1991–1993). He contributed to shaping the macro-economic reforms imposed on numerous indebted developing countries. The social and economic impact of these reforms under the IMF-World Bank sponsored structural adjustment program (SAP) were devastating, resulting in mass poverty.
Larry Summer's stint at the World Bank coincided with the collapse of the Soviet Union and the imposition of the IMF-World Bank's deadly " economic medicine" on Eastern Europe, the former Soviet republics and the Balkans.
In 1993, Summers moved to the US Treasury. He initially held the position of Undersecretary of the Treasury for international affairs and later Deputy Secretary. In liaison with his former colleagues at the IMF and the World Bank, he played a key role in crafting the economic "shock treatment" reform packages imposed at the height of the 1997 Asian crisis on South Korea, Thailand and Indonesia.
The bailout agreements negotiated with these three countries were coordinated through Summers office at the Treasury in liaison with the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and the Washington based Bretton Woods institutions. Summers worked closely with IMF Deputy Managing Director Stanley Fischer, who was later appointed Governor of the Central Bank of Israel.
Larry Summers became Treasury Secretary in July 1999. He is a protégé of David Rockefeller. He was among the main architects of the infamous Financial Services Modernization Act, which provided legitimacy to inside trading and outright financial manipulation.
Larry Summers and David Rockefeller
"Putting the Fox in Charge of the Chicken Coop"Summers is currently a Consultant to Goldman Sachs and managing director of a Hedge fund, the D.E. Shaw Group, As a Hedge Fund manager, his contacts at the Treasury and on Wall Street provide him with valuable inside information on the movement of financial markets.
Putting a Hedge Fund manager (with links to the Wall Street financial establishment) in charge of the Treasury is tantamount to putting the fox in charge of the chicken coop.
The Washington Consensus
Summers, Geithner, Corzine, Volker, Fischer, Phil Gramm, Bernanke, Hank Paulson, Rubin, not to mention Alan Greenspan, al al. are buddies; they play golf together; they have links to the Council on Foreign Relations and the Bilderberg; they act concurrently in accordance with the interests of Wall Street; they meet behind closed doors; they are on the same wave length; they are Democrats and Republicans.
While they may disagree on some issues, they are firmly committed to the Washington-Wall Street Consensus. They are utterly ruthless in their management of economic and financial processes. Their actions are profit driven. Outside of their narrow interest in the "efficiency" of "markets", they have little concern for "living human beings". How are people's lives affected by the deadly gamut of macro-economic and financial reforms, which is spearheading entire sectors of economic activity into bankruptcy.
The economic reasoning underlying neoliberal economic discourse is often cynical and contemptuous. In this regard, Lawrence Summers' economic discourse stands out. He is known among environmentalists for having proposed the dumping of toxic waste in Third World countries, because people in poor countries have shorter lives and the costs of labor are abysmally low, which essentially means that the market value of people in the Third World is much lower. According to Summers, this makes it far more "cost effective" to export toxic materials to impoverished countries. A controversial 1991 World Bank memo signed by of Chief Economist Larry Summers reads as follows (excerpts, emphasis added):
DATE: December 12, 1991 TO: Distribution FR: Lawrence H. Summers Subject: GEP
"'Dirty' Industries: Just between you and me, shouldn't the World Bank be encouraging MORE migration of the dirty industries to the Less Developed Countries? I can think of three reasons:
1) The measurements of the costs of health impairing pollution depends on the foregone earnings from increased morbidity and mortality.... From this point of view a given amount of health impairing pollution should be done in the country with the lowest cost, which will be the country with the lowest wages. I think the economic logic behind dumping a load of toxic waste in the lowest wage country is impeccable and we should face up to that.
2) The costs of pollution are likely to be non-linear as the initial increments of pollution probably have very low cost. I've always though that under-populated countries in Africa are vastly UNDER-polluted, their air quality is probably vastly inefficiently low compared to Los Angeles or Mexico City. Only the lamentable facts that so much pollution is generated by non-tradable industries (transport, electrical generation) and that the unit transport costs of solid waste are so high prevent world welfare enhancing trade in air pollution and waste.
3) The demand for a clean environment for aesthetic and health reasons is likely to have very high income elasticity. [the demand increases when income levels increase]. The concern over an agent that causes a one in a million change in the odds of prostrate cancer is obviously going to be much higher in a country where people survive to get prostrate cancer than in a country where under 5 mortality is is 200 per thousand.... "
Summers stance on the export of pollution to developing countries had a marked impact on US environmental policy:
In 1994, "virtually every country in the world broke with Mr. Summers' Harvard-trained "economic logic" ruminations about dumping rich countries' poisons on their poorer neighbors, and agreed to ban the export of hazardous wastes from OECD to non-OECD [developing] countries under the Basel Convention. Five years later, the United States is one of the few countries that has yet to ratify the Basel Convention or the Basel Convention's Ban Amendment on the export of hazardous wastes from OECD to non-OECD countries. (Jim Valette, Larry Summers' War Against the Earth, Counterpunch, undated)
The 1997 Asian Crisis: Dress Rehearsal for Things to Come
In the course of 1997, currency speculation instrumented by major financial institutions directed against Thailand, Indonesia and South Korea was conducive to the collapse of national currencies and the transfer of billions of dollars of central bank reserves into private financial hands. Several observers pointed to the deliberate manipulation of equity and currency markets by investment banks and brokerage firms.
While the Asian bailout agreements were formally negotiated with the IMF, the major Wall Street commercial banks (including Chase, Bank of America, Citigroup and J. P. Morgan) as well as the "big five" merchant banks (Goldman Sachs, Lehman Brothers, Morgan Stanley and Salomon Smith Barney) were "consulted" on the clauses to be included in the Asian bail-out agreements. [Note: These are 1997 denominations of major financial institutions]
The US Treasury in liaison with Wall Street and the Bretton Woods institutions played a central role in negotiating the bailout agreements. Both Larry Summers and Timothy Geithner, were actively involved on behalf of the US Treasury in the 1997 bailout of South Korea:
[In 1997] "Messrs. Summers and Geithner worked to persuade Mr. Rubin to support financial aid to South Korea. Mr. Rubin was wary of such a move, worrying that providing money to a country in dire straits might be a losing proposition..." (WSJ, November 8, 2008)
What happened in Korea under advice from Deputy Treasury Secretary Summers et al, had nothing to do with "financial aid".
The country was literally ransacked. Undersecretary of the Treasury David Lipton was sent to Seoul in early December 1997. Secret negotiations were initiated. Washington had demanded the firing of the Korean Finance Minister and the unconditional acceptance of the IMF "bailout".
A new finance minister, who happened to be former IMF and World Bank official, was appointed and immediately rushed off to Washington for "consultations" with his former IMF colleague Deputy Managing Director Stanley Fischer.
"The Korean Legislature had met in emergency sessions on December 23. The final decision concerning the 57 billion dollar deal took place the following day, on Christmas Eve December 24th, after office hours in New York. Wall Street’s top financiers, from Chase Manhattan, Bank America, Citicorp and J. P. Morgan had been called in for a meeting at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. Also at the Christmas Eve venue, were representatives of the big five New York merchant banks including Goldman Sachs, Lehman Brothers, Morgan Stanley and Salomon Smith Barney. And at midnight on Christmas Eve, upon receiving the green light from the banks, the IMF was allowed to rush 10 billion dollars to Seoul to meet the avalanche of maturing short-term debts.
The coffers of Korea’s central Bank had been ransacked. Creditors and speculators were anxiously awaiting to collect the loot. The same institutions which had earlier speculated against the Korean won were cashing in on the IMF bailout money. It was a scam. (See Michel Chossudovsky, The Recolonization of Korea, subsequently published as a chapter in The Globalization of Poverty and the New World Order, Global Research, Montreal, 2003.)
"Strong economic medicine" is the prescription of the Washington Consensus. "Short term pain for long term gain" was the motto at the World Bank during Lawrence Summers term of as World Bank Chief Economist. (See IMF, World Bank Reforms Leave Poor Behind, Bank Economist Finds, Bloomberg, November 7, 2000)
What we dealing with is an entire " old boys network" of officials and advisers at the Treasury, the Federal Reserve, the IMF, World Bank, the Washington Think Tanks, who are in permanent liaison with leading financiers on Wall Street.
Whoever is chosen by Obama's Transition team will belong to the Washington Consensus.
The 1999 Financial Services Modernization Act
What happened in October 1999 is crucial.
In the wake of lengthy negotiations behind closed doors, in the Wall Street boardrooms, in which Larry Summers played a central role, the regulatory restraints on Wall Street’s powerful banking conglomerates were revoked "with a stroke of the pen".
Larry Summers worked closely with Senator Phil Gramm (1985-2002),chairman of the Senate Banking committee, who was the legislative architect of the the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Financial Services Modernization Act, signed into law on November 12, 1999 (See Group Photo above). (For Complete text click US Congress: Pub.L. 106-102). As Texas Senator, Phil Gramm was closely associated with Enron.
In December 2000 at the very end of the Clinton mandate, Gramm introduced a second piece of legislation, the so-called Gramm-Lugar Commodity Futures Modernization Act, which paved the way for the speculative onslaught in primary commodities including oil and food staples.
"The act, he declared, would ensure that neither the sec nor the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (cftc) got into the business of regulating newfangled financial products called swaps—and would thus "protect financial institutions from overregulation" and "position our financial services industries to be world leaders into the new century." (See David Corn, Foreclosure Phil, Mother Jones, July August 2008)
Phil Gramm was McCain's first choice for Secretary of the Treasury.
Under the FSMA new rules – ratified by the US Senate in October 1999 and approved by President Clinton – commercial banks, brokerage firms, hedge funds, institutional investors, pension funds and insurance companies could freely invest in each others businesses as well as fully integrate their financial operations.
A "global financial supermarket" had been created, setting the stage for a massive concentration of financial power. One of the key figures behind this project was Secretary of the Treasury Larry Summers, in liaison with David Rockefeller. Summers described the FSMA as "the legislative foundation of the financial system of the 21th century". That legislative foundation is among the main causes of the 2008 financial meltdown.
Financial Disarmament
There can be no meaningful solution to the crisis, unless there is a major reform in the financial architecture, implying inter alia the freezing of speculative trade and the "disarming of financial markets". The project of disarming financial markets was first proposed by John Maynard Keynes in the 1940s as a means to the establishment of a multipolar international monetary system. (See J.M. Keynes, Activities 1940-1944, Shaping the Post-War World: The Clearing Union, The Collected Writings of John Maynard Keynes, Royal Economic Society, Macmillan and Cambridge University Press, Vol. XXV, London 1980, p. 57).
Main Street versus Wall Street
Where are Obama's "Main Street appointees"? Namely individuals who respond to the interests of people across America. There are no labor or community leaders on Obama's list for key positions.
The President-elect is appointing the architects of financial deregulation.
Meaningful financial reform cannot be adopted by officials appointed by Wall Street and who act on behalf of Wall Street.
Those who set the financial system ablaze in 1999, have been called back to turn out the fire.
The proposed "solution" to the crisis under the "bailout" is the cause of further economic collapse.
There are no policy solutions on the horizon.
The banking conglomerates call the shots. They decide on the composition of the Obama Cabinet. They also decide on the agenda of the Washington Financial Summit (November 15, 2008) which is slated to lay the groundwork for the establishment of a new "global financial architecture".
The Wall Street blueprint has already been discussed behind closed doors: the hidden agenda is to establish a unipolar international monetary system, dominated by US financial power, which in turn would be protected and secured by US military superiority.
Neoliberalism with a "Human Face"
There is no indication that Obama will break his ties to his Wall Street sponsors, who largely funded his election campaign.
Goldman Sachs, J. P. Morgan Chase, Citigroup, Bill Gates' Microsoft are among his main campaign contributors.
Warren Buffett, among the the world's richest individuals, not only supported Barak Obama's election campaign, he is a member of his transition team, which plays a key role deciding the composition of Obama's cabinet.
Warren Buffett
Unless there is a major upheaval in the system of political appointments to key positions, an alternative Obama economic agenda geared towards poverty alleviation and employment creation is highly unlikely.
Barack Obama. November 7 Press Conference. Joe Biden (far left), newly appointed chief of staff Rahm Emanuel (far right). Photo: Charles Dharapak
What we are witnessing is continuity.
Obama provides a " human face" to the status quo. This human face serves to mislead Americans on the nature of the economic and political process.
The neoliberal economic reforms remain intact.
The substance of these reforms including the "bailout" of America's largest financial institutions ultimately destroys the real economy, while spearheading entire areas of manufacturing and the services economy into bankruptcy.
The Globalization of Poverty and the New World Order
by Michel Chossudovsky
In this new and expanded edition of Chossudovsky’s international best-seller, the author outlines the contours of a New World Order which feeds on human poverty and the destruction of the environment, generates social apartheid, encourages racism and ethnic strife and undermines the rights of women. The result as his detailed examples from all parts of the world show so convincingly, is a globalization of poverty.
This book is a skilful combination of lucid explanation and cogently argued critique of the fundamental directions in which our world is moving financially and economically.
In this new enlarged edition –which includes ten new chapters and a new introduction-- the author reviews the causes and consequences of famine in Sub-Saharan Africa, the dramatic meltdown of financial markets, the demise of State social programs and the devastation resulting from corporate downsizing and trade liberalisation.
Michel Chossudovsky is Professor of Economics at the University of Ottawa and Director of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG), which hosts the critically acclaimed website . He is a contributor to the Encyclopedia Britannica. His writings have been translated into more than 20 languages.
Published in 12 languages. More than 150,000 copies sold Worldwide.
by Michel Chossudovsky
Global Research, November 9, 2008
Most Serious Economic Crisis in Modern HistoryThe October 2008 financial meltdown is not the result of a cyclical economic phenomenon. It is the deliberate result of US government policy instrumented through the Treasury and the US Federal Reserve Board.
This is the most serious economic crisis in World history.
The "bailout" proposed by the US Treasury does not constitute a "solution" to the crisis. In fact quite the opposite: it is the cause of further collapse. It triggers an unprecedented concentration of wealth, which in turn contributes to widening economic and social inequalities both within and between nations.
The levels of indebtedness have skyrocketed. Industrial corporations are driven into bankruptcy, taken over by the global financial institutions. Credit, namely the supply of loanable funds, which constitutes the lifeline of production and investment, is controlled by a handful of financial conglomerates.
With the "bailout", the public debt has spiraled. America is the most indebted country on earth. Prior to the "bailout", the US public debt was of the order of 10 trillion dollars. This US dollar denominated debt is composed of outstanding treasury bills and government bonds held by individuals, foreign governments, corporations and financial institutions.
"The Bailout": The US Administration is Financing its Own IndebtednessIronically, the Wall Street banks --which are the recipients of the bailout money-- are also the brokers and underwriters of the US public debt. Although the banks hold only a portion of the public debt, they transact and trade in US dollar denominated public debt instruments Worldwide.
In a bitter twist, the banks are the recipients of a 700+ billion dollar handout and at the same time they act as creditors of the US government. We are dealing with an absurd circular relationship: To finance the bailout, Washington must borrow from the banks, which are the recipients of the bailout.
The US administration is financing its own indebtedness. Federal, State and municipal governments are increasingly in a straightjacket, under the tight control of the global financial conglomerates. Increasingly, the creditors call the shots on government reform.
The bailout is conducive to the consolidation and centralization of banking power, which in turn backlashes on real economic activity, leading to a string of bankruptcies and mass unemployment.
Will an Obama Administration Reverse the Tide?
The financial crisis is the outcome of a deregulated financial architecture.
Obama has stated unequivocally his resolve to address the policy failures of the Bush administration and "democratize" the US financial system. President-Elect Barack Obama says that he is committed to reversing the tide:
"Let us remember that if this financial crisis taught us anything, it’s that we cannot have a thriving Wall Street while Main Street suffers. In this country, we rise or fall as one nation, as one people." (President-elect Barack Obama, November 4, 2008, emphasis added)
The Democrats casually blame the Bush administration for the October financial meltdown.
Obama says that he will be introducing an entirely different policy agenda which responds to the interests of Main Street:
"Tomorrow, you can turn the page on policies that put the greed and irresponsibility of Wall Street before the hard work and sacrifice of men and women all across Main Street. Tomorrow you can choose policies that invest in our middle class and create new jobs and grow this economy so that everybody has a chance to succeed, from the CEO to the secretary and the janitor, from the factory owner to the men and women who work on the factory floor.( Barack Obama, election campaign, November 3, 2008, emphasis added)
Is Obama committed to "taming Wall Street" and "disarming financial markets"?
Ironically, it was under the Clinton administration that these policies of "greed and irresponsibility" were adopted.
The 1999 Financial Services Modernization Act (FSMA) was conducive to the the repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act of 1933. A pillar of President Roosevelt’s "New Deal", the Glass-Steagall Act was put in place in response to the climate of corruption, financial manipulation and "insider trading" which resulted in more than 5,000 bank failures in the years following the 1929 Wall Street crash.
Bill Clinton signs into law the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Financial Services Modernization Act, November 12, 1999Under the 1999 Financial Services Modernization Act, effective control over the entire US financial services industry (including insurance companies, pension funds, securities companies, etc.) had been transferred to a handful of financial conglomerates and their associated hedge funds.
The Engineers of Financial Disaster
Who are the architects of this debacle?
In a bitter irony, the engineers of financial disaster are now being considered by President-Elect Barack Obama's Transition Team for the position Treasury Secretary:
Lawrence Summers played a key role in lobbying Congress for the repeal of the Glass Steagall Act. His timely appointment by President Clinton in 1999 as Treasury Secretary spearheaded the adoption of the Financial Services Modernization Act in November 1999. Upon completing his mandate at the helm of the US Treasury, he became president of Harvard University (2001- 2006).
Paul Volker was chairman of the Federal Reserve Board in the l980s during the Reagan era. He played a central role in implementing the first stage of financial deregulation, which was conducive to mass bankruptcies, mergers and acquisitions, leading up to the 1987 financial crisis.
Timothy Geithner is CEO of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, which is the most powerful private financial institution in America. He was also a former Clinton administration Treasury official. He has worked for Kissinger Associates and has also held a senior position at the IMF. The FRBNY plays a behind the scenes role in shaping financial policy. Geithner acts on behalf of powerful financiers, who are behind the FRBNY. He is also a member of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR)
Jon Corzine is currently governor of New Jersey, former CEO of Goldman Sachs.
Larry Summers (left) and Timothy GeithnerAt the time of writing, Obama's favorite is Larry Summers, front-runner for the position of Treasury Secretary.
Harvard University Economics Professor Lawrence Summers served as Chief Economist for the World Bank (1991–1993). He contributed to shaping the macro-economic reforms imposed on numerous indebted developing countries. The social and economic impact of these reforms under the IMF-World Bank sponsored structural adjustment program (SAP) were devastating, resulting in mass poverty.
Larry Summer's stint at the World Bank coincided with the collapse of the Soviet Union and the imposition of the IMF-World Bank's deadly " economic medicine" on Eastern Europe, the former Soviet republics and the Balkans.
In 1993, Summers moved to the US Treasury. He initially held the position of Undersecretary of the Treasury for international affairs and later Deputy Secretary. In liaison with his former colleagues at the IMF and the World Bank, he played a key role in crafting the economic "shock treatment" reform packages imposed at the height of the 1997 Asian crisis on South Korea, Thailand and Indonesia.
The bailout agreements negotiated with these three countries were coordinated through Summers office at the Treasury in liaison with the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and the Washington based Bretton Woods institutions. Summers worked closely with IMF Deputy Managing Director Stanley Fischer, who was later appointed Governor of the Central Bank of Israel.
Larry Summers became Treasury Secretary in July 1999. He is a protégé of David Rockefeller. He was among the main architects of the infamous Financial Services Modernization Act, which provided legitimacy to inside trading and outright financial manipulation.
Larry Summers and David Rockefeller
"Putting the Fox in Charge of the Chicken Coop"Summers is currently a Consultant to Goldman Sachs and managing director of a Hedge fund, the D.E. Shaw Group, As a Hedge Fund manager, his contacts at the Treasury and on Wall Street provide him with valuable inside information on the movement of financial markets.
Putting a Hedge Fund manager (with links to the Wall Street financial establishment) in charge of the Treasury is tantamount to putting the fox in charge of the chicken coop.
The Washington Consensus
Summers, Geithner, Corzine, Volker, Fischer, Phil Gramm, Bernanke, Hank Paulson, Rubin, not to mention Alan Greenspan, al al. are buddies; they play golf together; they have links to the Council on Foreign Relations and the Bilderberg; they act concurrently in accordance with the interests of Wall Street; they meet behind closed doors; they are on the same wave length; they are Democrats and Republicans.
While they may disagree on some issues, they are firmly committed to the Washington-Wall Street Consensus. They are utterly ruthless in their management of economic and financial processes. Their actions are profit driven. Outside of their narrow interest in the "efficiency" of "markets", they have little concern for "living human beings". How are people's lives affected by the deadly gamut of macro-economic and financial reforms, which is spearheading entire sectors of economic activity into bankruptcy.
The economic reasoning underlying neoliberal economic discourse is often cynical and contemptuous. In this regard, Lawrence Summers' economic discourse stands out. He is known among environmentalists for having proposed the dumping of toxic waste in Third World countries, because people in poor countries have shorter lives and the costs of labor are abysmally low, which essentially means that the market value of people in the Third World is much lower. According to Summers, this makes it far more "cost effective" to export toxic materials to impoverished countries. A controversial 1991 World Bank memo signed by of Chief Economist Larry Summers reads as follows (excerpts, emphasis added):
DATE: December 12, 1991 TO: Distribution FR: Lawrence H. Summers Subject: GEP
"'Dirty' Industries: Just between you and me, shouldn't the World Bank be encouraging MORE migration of the dirty industries to the Less Developed Countries? I can think of three reasons:
1) The measurements of the costs of health impairing pollution depends on the foregone earnings from increased morbidity and mortality.... From this point of view a given amount of health impairing pollution should be done in the country with the lowest cost, which will be the country with the lowest wages. I think the economic logic behind dumping a load of toxic waste in the lowest wage country is impeccable and we should face up to that.
2) The costs of pollution are likely to be non-linear as the initial increments of pollution probably have very low cost. I've always though that under-populated countries in Africa are vastly UNDER-polluted, their air quality is probably vastly inefficiently low compared to Los Angeles or Mexico City. Only the lamentable facts that so much pollution is generated by non-tradable industries (transport, electrical generation) and that the unit transport costs of solid waste are so high prevent world welfare enhancing trade in air pollution and waste.
3) The demand for a clean environment for aesthetic and health reasons is likely to have very high income elasticity. [the demand increases when income levels increase]. The concern over an agent that causes a one in a million change in the odds of prostrate cancer is obviously going to be much higher in a country where people survive to get prostrate cancer than in a country where under 5 mortality is is 200 per thousand.... "
Summers stance on the export of pollution to developing countries had a marked impact on US environmental policy:
In 1994, "virtually every country in the world broke with Mr. Summers' Harvard-trained "economic logic" ruminations about dumping rich countries' poisons on their poorer neighbors, and agreed to ban the export of hazardous wastes from OECD to non-OECD [developing] countries under the Basel Convention. Five years later, the United States is one of the few countries that has yet to ratify the Basel Convention or the Basel Convention's Ban Amendment on the export of hazardous wastes from OECD to non-OECD countries. (Jim Valette, Larry Summers' War Against the Earth, Counterpunch, undated)
The 1997 Asian Crisis: Dress Rehearsal for Things to Come
In the course of 1997, currency speculation instrumented by major financial institutions directed against Thailand, Indonesia and South Korea was conducive to the collapse of national currencies and the transfer of billions of dollars of central bank reserves into private financial hands. Several observers pointed to the deliberate manipulation of equity and currency markets by investment banks and brokerage firms.
While the Asian bailout agreements were formally negotiated with the IMF, the major Wall Street commercial banks (including Chase, Bank of America, Citigroup and J. P. Morgan) as well as the "big five" merchant banks (Goldman Sachs, Lehman Brothers, Morgan Stanley and Salomon Smith Barney) were "consulted" on the clauses to be included in the Asian bail-out agreements. [Note: These are 1997 denominations of major financial institutions]
The US Treasury in liaison with Wall Street and the Bretton Woods institutions played a central role in negotiating the bailout agreements. Both Larry Summers and Timothy Geithner, were actively involved on behalf of the US Treasury in the 1997 bailout of South Korea:
[In 1997] "Messrs. Summers and Geithner worked to persuade Mr. Rubin to support financial aid to South Korea. Mr. Rubin was wary of such a move, worrying that providing money to a country in dire straits might be a losing proposition..." (WSJ, November 8, 2008)
What happened in Korea under advice from Deputy Treasury Secretary Summers et al, had nothing to do with "financial aid".
The country was literally ransacked. Undersecretary of the Treasury David Lipton was sent to Seoul in early December 1997. Secret negotiations were initiated. Washington had demanded the firing of the Korean Finance Minister and the unconditional acceptance of the IMF "bailout".
A new finance minister, who happened to be former IMF and World Bank official, was appointed and immediately rushed off to Washington for "consultations" with his former IMF colleague Deputy Managing Director Stanley Fischer.
"The Korean Legislature had met in emergency sessions on December 23. The final decision concerning the 57 billion dollar deal took place the following day, on Christmas Eve December 24th, after office hours in New York. Wall Street’s top financiers, from Chase Manhattan, Bank America, Citicorp and J. P. Morgan had been called in for a meeting at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. Also at the Christmas Eve venue, were representatives of the big five New York merchant banks including Goldman Sachs, Lehman Brothers, Morgan Stanley and Salomon Smith Barney. And at midnight on Christmas Eve, upon receiving the green light from the banks, the IMF was allowed to rush 10 billion dollars to Seoul to meet the avalanche of maturing short-term debts.
The coffers of Korea’s central Bank had been ransacked. Creditors and speculators were anxiously awaiting to collect the loot. The same institutions which had earlier speculated against the Korean won were cashing in on the IMF bailout money. It was a scam. (See Michel Chossudovsky, The Recolonization of Korea, subsequently published as a chapter in The Globalization of Poverty and the New World Order, Global Research, Montreal, 2003.)
"Strong economic medicine" is the prescription of the Washington Consensus. "Short term pain for long term gain" was the motto at the World Bank during Lawrence Summers term of as World Bank Chief Economist. (See IMF, World Bank Reforms Leave Poor Behind, Bank Economist Finds, Bloomberg, November 7, 2000)
What we dealing with is an entire " old boys network" of officials and advisers at the Treasury, the Federal Reserve, the IMF, World Bank, the Washington Think Tanks, who are in permanent liaison with leading financiers on Wall Street.
Whoever is chosen by Obama's Transition team will belong to the Washington Consensus.
The 1999 Financial Services Modernization Act
What happened in October 1999 is crucial.
In the wake of lengthy negotiations behind closed doors, in the Wall Street boardrooms, in which Larry Summers played a central role, the regulatory restraints on Wall Street’s powerful banking conglomerates were revoked "with a stroke of the pen".
Larry Summers worked closely with Senator Phil Gramm (1985-2002),chairman of the Senate Banking committee, who was the legislative architect of the the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Financial Services Modernization Act, signed into law on November 12, 1999 (See Group Photo above). (For Complete text click US Congress: Pub.L. 106-102). As Texas Senator, Phil Gramm was closely associated with Enron.
In December 2000 at the very end of the Clinton mandate, Gramm introduced a second piece of legislation, the so-called Gramm-Lugar Commodity Futures Modernization Act, which paved the way for the speculative onslaught in primary commodities including oil and food staples.
"The act, he declared, would ensure that neither the sec nor the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (cftc) got into the business of regulating newfangled financial products called swaps—and would thus "protect financial institutions from overregulation" and "position our financial services industries to be world leaders into the new century." (See David Corn, Foreclosure Phil, Mother Jones, July August 2008)
Phil Gramm was McCain's first choice for Secretary of the Treasury.
Under the FSMA new rules – ratified by the US Senate in October 1999 and approved by President Clinton – commercial banks, brokerage firms, hedge funds, institutional investors, pension funds and insurance companies could freely invest in each others businesses as well as fully integrate their financial operations.
A "global financial supermarket" had been created, setting the stage for a massive concentration of financial power. One of the key figures behind this project was Secretary of the Treasury Larry Summers, in liaison with David Rockefeller. Summers described the FSMA as "the legislative foundation of the financial system of the 21th century". That legislative foundation is among the main causes of the 2008 financial meltdown.
Financial Disarmament
There can be no meaningful solution to the crisis, unless there is a major reform in the financial architecture, implying inter alia the freezing of speculative trade and the "disarming of financial markets". The project of disarming financial markets was first proposed by John Maynard Keynes in the 1940s as a means to the establishment of a multipolar international monetary system. (See J.M. Keynes, Activities 1940-1944, Shaping the Post-War World: The Clearing Union, The Collected Writings of John Maynard Keynes, Royal Economic Society, Macmillan and Cambridge University Press, Vol. XXV, London 1980, p. 57).
Main Street versus Wall Street
Where are Obama's "Main Street appointees"? Namely individuals who respond to the interests of people across America. There are no labor or community leaders on Obama's list for key positions.
The President-elect is appointing the architects of financial deregulation.
Meaningful financial reform cannot be adopted by officials appointed by Wall Street and who act on behalf of Wall Street.
Those who set the financial system ablaze in 1999, have been called back to turn out the fire.
The proposed "solution" to the crisis under the "bailout" is the cause of further economic collapse.
There are no policy solutions on the horizon.
The banking conglomerates call the shots. They decide on the composition of the Obama Cabinet. They also decide on the agenda of the Washington Financial Summit (November 15, 2008) which is slated to lay the groundwork for the establishment of a new "global financial architecture".
The Wall Street blueprint has already been discussed behind closed doors: the hidden agenda is to establish a unipolar international monetary system, dominated by US financial power, which in turn would be protected and secured by US military superiority.
Neoliberalism with a "Human Face"
There is no indication that Obama will break his ties to his Wall Street sponsors, who largely funded his election campaign.
Goldman Sachs, J. P. Morgan Chase, Citigroup, Bill Gates' Microsoft are among his main campaign contributors.
Warren Buffett, among the the world's richest individuals, not only supported Barak Obama's election campaign, he is a member of his transition team, which plays a key role deciding the composition of Obama's cabinet.
Warren Buffett
Unless there is a major upheaval in the system of political appointments to key positions, an alternative Obama economic agenda geared towards poverty alleviation and employment creation is highly unlikely.
Barack Obama. November 7 Press Conference. Joe Biden (far left), newly appointed chief of staff Rahm Emanuel (far right). Photo: Charles Dharapak
What we are witnessing is continuity.
Obama provides a " human face" to the status quo. This human face serves to mislead Americans on the nature of the economic and political process.
The neoliberal economic reforms remain intact.
The substance of these reforms including the "bailout" of America's largest financial institutions ultimately destroys the real economy, while spearheading entire areas of manufacturing and the services economy into bankruptcy.
The Globalization of Poverty and the New World Order
by Michel Chossudovsky
In this new and expanded edition of Chossudovsky’s international best-seller, the author outlines the contours of a New World Order which feeds on human poverty and the destruction of the environment, generates social apartheid, encourages racism and ethnic strife and undermines the rights of women. The result as his detailed examples from all parts of the world show so convincingly, is a globalization of poverty.
This book is a skilful combination of lucid explanation and cogently argued critique of the fundamental directions in which our world is moving financially and economically.
In this new enlarged edition –which includes ten new chapters and a new introduction-- the author reviews the causes and consequences of famine in Sub-Saharan Africa, the dramatic meltdown of financial markets, the demise of State social programs and the devastation resulting from corporate downsizing and trade liberalisation.
Michel Chossudovsky is Professor of Economics at the University of Ottawa and Director of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG), which hosts the critically acclaimed website . He is a contributor to the Encyclopedia Britannica. His writings have been translated into more than 20 languages.
Published in 12 languages. More than 150,000 copies sold Worldwide.
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